Federal Student Aid

FSA Partner Connect

FSA Partner Connect

Facilitated FSA & partner interaction in a way that consolidates disparate systems behind a single front door so that FSA can focus on students and outcomes rather than process.

FSA partners are busy, hardworking, and overworked. They are under-appreciated and under-resourced. Partner’s work is expansive, and they are mission-focused on students. FSA's partners are looking for a single source of truth. They are curious and dedicated.

The goal for FSA's new platform is to improve partner satisfaction so that financial aid administrators can focus on the overall customer experience for borrowers

U.S Web Design System

Facilitated FSA & partner interaction in a way that consolidates disparate systems behind a single front door so that FSA Our effort was to create a universal Design System of consolidated elements that can be utilized across all FSA's programs. The Design System was based on the U.S. Web Design System to make it easier to build an accessible, mobile-friendly government website for the American public using common components with implementation guidelines.

Partner Connect Prototype

We developed a process to redesign FSA and its Partners’ prototype to streamline the way they manage borrowers’ needs such as school search and their profiles, participants and student search and their profiles, and the handbook that is used as a guide to reference managing this process.

Design improved process for development Handoff

One of the biggest challenges every design and development team faces is having a successful strategy in place that allows for an easy hand-off from design to development. The experience I have as a designer and former web application developer is that I can speak both languages and communicate with development teams in a way that allows me to fully understand both sides and the challenges they deal with. The strategy I developed provides detailed design specifications that are easy to follow and guarantee consistency where the developed work matches approved designs. Such a process improves efficiency and productivity on both teams which minimizes any back-and-forth time and effort between both teams.


